Tuesday, 10 April 2018

March/ April Time Management

Date: 31/03/2018
Aim: Evaluation question 1
What was done: I evaluated how my product uses, develops and challenges forms and conventions of real media products

Date: 02/04/2018
Aim: Evaluation question 2
What was done: I evaluated how my re-creations compared to my final products

Date: 03/04./2018
Aim: Evaluation question 3
What was done: I worked from how I learned from my audience feedback

Date: 05/04/2018
Aim: Evaluation question 4
What was done: I evaluated every piece of hardware and software involved in the creation of my media products

Date: 06/04/2018
Aim: Evaluation question finishing touches
What was done: Fixed any problems with my evaluation that needed to be changed, this helped me decipher what was wrong with my evaluation and allowed me to read through my work and improve it

Date: 08/04/2018
Aim: Upload any work that was not uploaded
What was done: Any work that was not uploaded due to in-completion or forgetfulness will be posted

February Time Management

Date: 07/02/2018
Aim: Continue working on front cover

Date: 13/02/2018
Aim: Continue working on billboard
What was done: I moved my sub heading and made the canvas larger

Date: 19/02/2018
Aim: DPS draft finished
What was done: My DOS draft had finally been finish, it needed just the article adding and it will be complete

Date: 21/02/2018
Aim: Front cover feedback
What was done: I received feedback on my front cover for my front cover
Reflection: This will allow me to work from my audience feedback and provide for my audience a product that appeals to them

January Time Management

Date: 09/01/2018
Aim: Continue working on front cover
What was done: I continued working on my front cover in order to make it look more professional

Date: 15/01/2018
Aim: Continue working on front cover
What was done: My front cover was developed and i enlarged sub article titles

Date: 18/01/2018
Aim: Continue working on DPS
What was done: I finished my masthead for the DPS and placement of the picture and artic;e

Date: 24/01/2018
Aim: Continue working on contents page
What was done: I managed to map out the page numbers and where to put the editors note

Date: 31/01/2018
Aim: Continue working on website
What was done: I finished the placement of images and my editors note

December Time Management

Date: 04/12/2017
Aim: Continue work on contents page at home
What was done:

Date: 14/12/2017
Aim: Institution research
What was done: I developed the research on which institution would be best for my magaizne
Reflection: This will ensure my product will sell

Date: 19/12/2017
Aim: Finish the image for my DPS
What was done: I finished photoshopping the finalised image of my own photographhy for my DPS
Reflection: This will allow me to finalise my design

November Time Management

Date: 02/11/2017
Aim: Post my final drafts to my blog
What was done: I posted my final drafts to my blog in order to reflect from later
Reflection: This will allow me to work from them and look back on the mistakes I had and how i improved from them

Date: 15/11/2017
Aim: Post my Millum and Ferguson research
What was done: I posted my facial expressions research that was forgotten too be posted
Reflection: The rest of the lesson I continued to develop my website

Date: 21/11/2017
Aim: Contents page development
What was done: I decided to continue on my contents page and begin adding an editors note
Reflection: Adding an editors note gave the magazine more conventions I needed and allowed me to personally connect with my readers

October Time Management

Date: 02/10/2017
Aim: improvements to recce
What was done: I began to assess the dangers, obstacles and precautions i need to take into account during my photo shoot and model organisation
Reflection: I will use this to make sure the photoshoot is carried out in a safe and procedural manner

Date: 05/10/2017
Aim: Continue working on website
What was done: I used WIX to continue on my website and import my own images into it
Reflection: This will contribute to the development of my products

Date: 11/10/2017
Aim: Continue Revamp contents page
What was done: I began to revamp my contents page completely as the layout was not working very well with the images I had
Reflection: It will help contribute to the development of my contents page and allow the layout to look more professional

Date: 17/10/2017
Aim: Begin Billboard
What was done: Begin to continue constructing my billboard in order to make it look professional
Reflection: My billboard will be in development, allowing me to make more changes later

Date: 25/10/2017
Aim: Continue with contents page
What was done: Develop my contents page and its layout to improve from the first product
Reflection: This will allow my page to appear more professional

September Time Management

Date: 04/09/2017
Aim: Begin work on my survey
What was done: I created a survey using surverymonkey.com and asked my audience for general information in order to gain an idea of who was viewing my product and it helped me construct my work based around my target audience
Reflection: I will use this information to construct my products in an appropriate way for my audience

Date: 06/09/2017
Aim: Audience Profiles
What was done: Taking the information from my survey I was able to construct profiles of 2 potential target audience members and 1 unsuccessful audience member who would not be suitable
Reflection: This will contribute to my final products and allow me to have an idea who my magazine is aimed at

Date: 12/09/2017
Aim: Start work on my front cover draft
What was done: I began to construct my first draft of my front cover, it included images i had taken myself
Reflection: I will continue to construct my work to its highest standard

Date: 18/09/2017
Aim: I continued working on my front cover
What was done: Continuing to work on my front cover allowed me to develop the front cover images, I finished photoshopping the main image i was using in my work
Reflection: Next lesson I will begin to work on my contents page

Date: 21/09/2017
Aim: Begin working on my Flat Plans
What was done: I began to work on my flat plans for the products i am developing
Reflection: I will begin writing rationales

Date: 30/09/2017
Aim: Pitch
What was done: I completed a pitch on my magazine ideas to present to my classReflection: I received feedback on how to develop my ideas and my strengths and weaknesses

Evaluation Question One

Evaluation Question Two


Evaluation Question Three


Final feedback