Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Suitable Images for events/Photography section

I have created a Powtoon on various images that I could potentially include on my magazine, billboard and website for the Photography/events section. The images are linked to various events that have occurred around the north east within the last year such as: Lumiere, Sunderland illuminations and Sundara karama gig. Although these events have already taken place they do a good job at promoting what kind of events are taking place. 


Thursday, 12 October 2017

My Reader Profile

This is my completed readers profile. I have created it on Photoshop as I felt this was the most professional way to do so and therefore advertisers are more likely to take my magazine seriously. In regards to my audience, I have included the main facts and figures of who they are but have also gone into a bit of detail from a personal perspective including a summary of their likes and lifestyle. Not only does this help me to make sure all my products are linked back to audience interest, but it will also help companies that want to buy advertisement sections in my magazine. For example, my reader profile says they like streaming music on their mobiles therefore Spotify would be an ideal sponsor. In terms of design, I have followed the same colour scheme I am planning on using in my magazine and used a similar font also. I have arranged in in boxes which I think looks very neat and professional. I have included an image collage which I was inspired to do so by NME's reader profile as I feel this gives a visual aid to boost the facts.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Flat Plans for Website

1st page 
Social media links - I have placed social media links above my masthead as I want them to be included for modern purposes of using social media to widen my audience but I don't want them to be a main focus as I want the main focus of my brand to be the website as it includes more detailed summary's of topics. These will remain the same style on each hyperlinked page.
Masthead - The masthead must be on my website a it is the only thing that links all my ain tasks and preliminary tasks together as they all feature the name of my company on. I have decide to place this at the top and bottom of the image gallery and will make sure that it will remain this way on each hyperlinked pages.
Image gallery - the image gallery will consist of various images of main story's from each of the sub genres. This has been placed the top of main page and will remain the same positon and images in each hyperlinked page so that people are aware that the images on the gallery are the main topics and this allows them to easily navigate to read the most important story's
Navigation links - The navigation links will remain at the top of the page in all hyperlinked pages and will all be links to different sub genre pages. I have done this so that people can easily find the genre that best suits there needs and easier to navigate around the website instead of cramping everything on the same page.
Dominant image - I have chose to have four dominant images on the homepage that will be similarly linked to different genres same as the image gallery but this time will feature different images and different story's that are associated with that sub genre. I have decided to do this so that it keeps readers interested and shows them other topics that are there for them to read without going onto the hyperlinked page.
heading /subheading - the heading and subheadings are all placed underneath the dominant images as the heading is the title of the article and the subheading gives a little more information about what the image I going to talk about. This will not be a full description but enough to keep my target audience intrigued.

2nd/3rd page 
Heading (Fashion and Travel/photography ) - The headings are placed above all of the images to indicate that this is the sub genre the images are focusing on.
Sub Images - I have included several sub images on each hyperlinked page as I want my website to be more image led than text based as my target audience are more interested in images than discussions.

Flat Plans for Billboard

Masthead - I have decided to place my masthead at the top of the billboard and make it the largest thing on the product. I have done this so that people can see what the name of the company are that are advertising this billboard and this enables them to automatically remember the name of the company.
Logo - I have decided to place the company of the logo next to the masthead as a logo is commonly more rememberable than the name of a company and seeing them side by side will allow it to be more easily recognised.
Essential info -The essential info on a billboard simply consists of social media links. I have used this because my target audience are teenagers that use social media on a regular basis and having social media links allows them to instantly have more information on the company using their phone.
Strapline - I have placed the strapline at the side of the product as I want all my products to feature the strapline on them to show that they are all the same company's work.
Images - I have decided too use 5 images on my billboard as I want to advertise each sub genre that will be featured within my magazine. Each image will be something that is associated with the sub genre. Placing these images in the centre of the billboard will draw the most attention from my target audience as they are the first thing people will notice as they are more attracted to images rather than text.
Subhead - I have placed sub headings under the 5 images as I want them to highlight what each of the images link to in terms of sub genres.

Monday, 2 October 2017

Flat Plan for Magazines

In order to fully map out how each product will function, I have decided to create rationales alongside my flat plans which offer a more in depth view of what each product will feature. They will basically describe everything that I plan on including on every page and product from layout, colour scheme and conventions. These plans may change during the production of the magazine but they are just a general outline of what I want from my magazine. 

Front cover 
Masthead - I have decided to place my masthead at the very top of the page and also at the very bottom of the page, i have done this to separate my magazines name between the dominant image and the cover-lines  The top masthead will say " Addiction &" whereas the bottom part of my masthead will say "Lust". 
Strap-line - I have decided to place the strap - line underneath the top part of my masthead and it will state" We are all dreamers. Wanting to be completely out of touch with reality" or simply "we are all dreamers". Using a quote like this as a strap-line connects with the feelings of being a teenager (who are my target audience) because as a teenager you have dreams of what you want to do with your life and because teenage years are the hardest part of life, dreams are the only place many can escape to.
Dominant image - I have decided to place the dominant image in the centre because this is where people will look to, to see a image. My dominant image will link to the main sub genre that my magazine will be mainly focusing on. 
Essential information - I have decided to place the essential information (issue number, price and date issued) above the top part of my masthead. I have not made this very large because it isn't an important part of the magazine but many fans may like to see what day it was released and the issue number. I will not be adding a price on the essential information as I want my magazine to be free to teenagers around the North East. 
Cover - lines - I have only placed a few cover-lines on my magazine because i want the inside of the magazine to remain a mystery.I have located the ones i have placed on, around the dominant image so that it does not take main credibility off the model featured because this is the most important part of the magazine. 
Main cover - line - The main cover line will be placed at the bottom of the dominant image so that people know that it links with the dominant image.
Barcode - I have decided to remove the barcode from my magazine as it is not needed because of my magazine being free to the public. 

Content's Page
MastheadI have decided to place my masthead at the very top of the page as I don't want it taking up majority of the page like I did on the front cover. I have also decided to add the masthead to the contents page as I want people to remember the name of my magazine so adding it various times will help them remember it. 
Heading - The heading will simply state " Contents page" as that is what the page is all about. 
Main Images - I have decided to add two main images one of which will link to my double page spread. These two images will be the most noticed thing on the page as people will see that with them being bigger images they are the most important topics in the magazine.
Sub images - The four sub images have been included to give my target audience a visual interpretation of what to expect in my magazine other than the two main images/topics. This will help give them more understanding of what to expect from my magazine and allows them to make up what they wish to read and what they don't want to read. 
Sub - headings & texts - The sub headings and texts give the target audience further knowledge of what is within the pages of my magazine allowing them to make a quick decision of what they want to read.

Double Page Spread 
Heading - The heading for my double page spread will simply be the topic of the article. It will simply state a celebrity's name as I want it the topic of the double page spread to be focused on a local celebrity that has came back home. 
Dominant image - The dominant image will take up one half of the double page spread, and will be the person who the text is talking about. Giving the model on the dominant image an entire page will allow the readers to see who it is I am talking about and draws a lot of attention towards him/her. 
Pull quote - The pull quote will be small quote from the person featured on the double page spread. It will serve as something that draws the audiences attention and gives an initial interpretation of the person the article is about.
By-line - I have to feature this somewhere on the double page spread as I need to give credit to the photographer and writer's of the article. 
Sub image - The sub images will be basic images that support the main body of text and give the audience a visual representation of what the text is talking about.
Main body of text - The main body of text will be small as my target audience will not want to see lots of text as it doesn't appeal to them and they want to see images. 

Initial Target Audience

A primary audience is the main group of people that are directly involved with my magazine and will find it the most appealing as it is targeted towards them. This group will share common characteristics and behaviours that will be reflected in my own magazine. It will include the highest volume of sales therefore it is important that every element of marketing will appeal to their needs. My secondary audience is the second most important consumers of my magazine that have less demands as they are a smaller group but will still be interested in my product. I have identified the lifestyles and characteristics of both audiences I am aiming to please to that I can get a broader idea of what needs to be included to make my magazine successful. Even though the majority of my magazine will be aimed at my primary audience, it is import to take into account people outside these boundaries who also may be interested in culture and specifically the region. I feel that by providing certain elements for a secondary audience I can prevent alienation of potential readers. I have looked at a number of factors including region, age, gender, interests, income and hobbies.

As my magazine is culture focused, I have concluded that there is no specific gender associated due to the large variety of topics and sub-genres it will feature. I have included that my primary audience will be between 15 and 18 as I feel students are most likely to benefit from news about the area and genres such as music, film and art due to their hobbies of socializing. I myself fit into this category therefore feel I will be able to portray my own interests to provide appeal concepts for like-minded people. The internet has such a dominance over this current generation and era therefore a lot of my features will revolve around social media and online influence. This will add for greater audience interactivity and therefore make them become more at home with the brand which is essential for a regional magazine that should be displayed as a community.
As it is a regional magazine, I will also be adding colloquial language to provide a touch of formality that offers a more friendly and relatable read. As for the secondary aspect, I have decided to include the upper and lower boundaries of my primary audience so that I have a wider scale. This means that 19-21 year olds will have features that they may find appealing. This widens my overall audience scale to 15 - 21 year olds which is a very broad audience to account for and therefore will have to offer stories from all branches of the regional attributes. I feel the younger secondary audience will have to be mature in order to understand the content. The older portion will have a greater interest in contemporary genres and due to their occupation will have more funds to experience the events listed in my magazine. Also, they may have children or family members who fall into the primary audience range therefore might want to find stories or activities that will interest them also.

This activity has been very helpful and as a result I will be able to create a target audience survey which I can now aim specifically at my chosen audience. I also know which type of people I will need to ask to be in my audience profiles as they will need to fit these descriptions I have outlined.

Final feedback