A primary audience is the main group of people that are directly involved with my magazine and will find it the most appealing as it is targeted towards them. This group will share common characteristics and behaviours that will be reflected in my own magazine. It will include the highest volume of sales therefore it is important that every element of marketing will appeal to their needs. My secondary audience is the second most important consumers of my magazine that have less demands as they are a smaller group but will still be interested in my product. I have identified the lifestyles and characteristics of both audiences I am aiming to please to that I can get a broader idea of what needs to be included to make my magazine successful. Even though the majority of my magazine will be aimed at my primary audience, it is import to take into account people outside these boundaries who also may be interested in culture and specifically the region. I feel that by providing certain elements for a secondary audience I can prevent alienation of potential readers. I have looked at a number of factors including region, age, gender, interests, income and hobbies.

As my magazine is culture focused, I have concluded that there is no specific gender associated due to the large variety of topics and sub-genres it will feature. I have included that my primary audience will be between 15 and 18 as I feel students are most likely to benefit from news about the area and genres such as music, film and art due to their hobbies of socializing. I myself fit into this category therefore feel I will be able to portray my own interests to provide appeal concepts for like-minded people. The internet has such a dominance over this current generation and era therefore a lot of my features will revolve around social media and online influence. This will add for greater audience interactivity and therefore make them become more at home with the brand which is essential for a regional magazine that should be displayed as a community.
As it is a regional magazine, I will also be adding colloquial language to provide a touch of formality that offers a more friendly and relatable read. As for the secondary aspect, I have decided to include the upper and lower boundaries of my primary audience so that I have a wider scale. This means that 19-21 year olds will have features that they may find appealing. This widens my overall audience scale to 15 - 21 year olds which is a very broad audience to account for and therefore will have to offer stories from all branches of the regional attributes. I feel the younger secondary audience will have to be mature in order to understand the content. The older portion will have a greater interest in contemporary genres and due to their occupation will have more funds to experience the events listed in my magazine. Also, they may have children or family members who fall into the primary audience range therefore might want to find stories or activities that will interest them also.
This activity has been very helpful and as a result I will be able to create a target audience survey which I can now aim specifically at my chosen audience. I also know which type of people I will need to ask to be in my audience profiles as they will need to fit these descriptions I have outlined.
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